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Spotting Early Infatuation: The Top Indicator You Might Be Rushing Into Romance

Author: The Intimacy Advisor Published at: Mar, 20 2024 Hits: 56

Understanding the Line Between Infatuation and Love

It's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of new romance, where intense feelings can often be mistaken for deep emotional connections. However, discerning whether you're genuinely falling in love or simply infatuated is crucial for the health of your relationship. The #1 sign you're infatuated with someone too soon is an overwhelming preoccupation with your partner coupled with a lack of personal boundaries.

Recognizing Infatuation

Infatuation is characterized by an immediate, intense physical attraction to someone. It's a powerful mix of idealization and passion that can feel like love, but it's typically surface-level. Infatuation often leads to putting your partner on a pedestal, ignoring their flaws, and an intense fear of losing them. This can result in a compulsive need to be in constant contact or an irrational jealousy when they spend time with others.

Healthy Attachment

In contrast, love tends to develop more slowly, based on a deep understanding and acceptance of your partner's complete self, including their flaws. It involves mutual respect, trust, and the ability to maintain individuality within the relationship. Love is about finding balance and growing together without losing oneself.

Steps to Take

If you recognize signs of infatuation in your relationship, it's important to take a step back. Reflect on your feelings and the relationship's pace. Ensure you're not neglecting your own needs and boundaries. Communication with your partner about your discoveries can also help in establishing a healthier connection moving forward.

Remember, while infatuation can be the spark that ignites a relationship, it's the slow-building flame of love that sustains it.

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